
The ADMIN_FIELDS setting is a dictionary in the format {'app.model': <field configuration>}. There are two methods to specify field configuration: simple and custom.

Simple Configuration

The field configuration in the simple configuration is simply a tuple of strings containing the fields to add a TinyMCE widget in the admin. These fields will use all the defaults for django-tinymce.

        'simpleapp.simplemodel': ('description', 'long_description')

Custom Configuration

For more control over how the TinyMCE widget is rendered, you can use a dict with the field names as keys and the value a dict that is passed as keyword arguments to the TinyMCE HTML widget.

       'simpleapp.simplemodel': {
          'description': {
             'attrs': {'cols': 80, 'rows': 30,},
             'mce_attrs': {'theme': 'advanced'}
          'long_description': {},